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Eh guys will the save files automatically be transferred or u gotta do it yourself after updating?


On Android? Yes it will automatically transfer the save file, just install the new version on top of the previous, don't uninstall the previous or else you will lose your save file. 

I enjoy this game, nice work! May i ask where you find the scene/map for the old village? i dont find it anywhere


nc game tbh i hope u add some pregnancy tho 



Will the update be public when it comes out or will it be patreon?


Patreons get early release for the update but then it becomes public


9 more days

until wha

new update ofc

I love the game but i have 1 issue there is no way to skip to the new content so ncrow if you see this please add a way in the next version to skip to the new content cause i lost my save after i beat the game


10 more day


11 days left...

until what

(1 edit) (+9)

I am a long time enjoyer of this game. I decided I should comment to express how I love this game.

It has a lot of fun things that make it stand out, at least to me. The game is fun, even funny, but also has a serious plot to.

It has certain mechanics that can both entertain and engage people. It has characters that are beautiful and plot relevant. The environments are colorful and just as eye catching as the people we meet.

I want to see this game completed someday.

So Ncrow, thanks for this game. You have done an incredible job. Please take great pride in your work because it is great, but also in case you do not already, take care of yourself(selves). Have fun and do whatever you can to enjoy your life.

So just in case I miss the opportunity, please have a wonderful holiday(s) and end of the year.

Good luck in your work and in your life.

more people like this please

The game is surprisingly good for being a porn game. The story is enjoyable, and the animations are pretty.. decent for the first half then get better as the author improves.


i have some problems with building charlottes room,after i got all resources i went to mayu,after i clicked on 2nd room,the game sent me to report room.

What should i do?

this is the best game keep it up!

also I really wanted a soundtrack just making the game more interesting😈


Can you provide a Chinese version?

CUALES ERAN LOS MATERIALES DE LA ESCALERA? literalmente es lo unico que me falta para completarlo todo

WHAT WERE THE MATERIALS FOR THE STAIRS? It's literally the only thing I'm missing to complete everything

Just finished the game, it's pretty cool

animaçoes muito boas

Nice kick

a very nice game! 


Solo me hice una cuenta para escribir esto:

Este juego es Cine 🗿 y Hana es una diosa en todo aspecto, Ncrow de parte de todos aqui, te queremos mucho 

(2 edits) (+1)(-17)

ok i don't thing this game is for me, i don't like that EVERY character is horny all the time and mc is like every protag from anime isekai (want to just help people and don't expect any profit from this and react like a virgin towards women and can sacrifice his live for stranger) and Ryoko is the dumbest character i ever seen (i mean just her decision making) she didin't even know mc, but hey if he didin't yell at her after just meting her it must mean he is a good person and its a good idea to become his slave.....right? + she literally a SLAVE wihout any survival skills but she ignored that fact and decided to warn mc abaut that wolf risking her own life in two ways 1. wolf can kill her in the proces. 2. if mc survive this attack (she doesn't know him yet) he can do something bad to her and she can't do anything with this because she is weak af and he killed a fucking wolf x3 and from what i understand if you are a slave there no reason for anyone to help you if thats can cause trouble for that person. Girls are good looking and i love Shika personality + sex scene are decent, but that's not enough for me to stay here if mc annoys me in every dialogue. I wish the rest of you a good experience with this game because i don't thing this game is bad its just not for me <3.


I think all of it is fine. It's what makes such games charming - indie-game devs allow themselves making craziest shit without any censorship / norms. As long as you won't compare it to something or judge it like game has billions of budget - such games will addict no less than high-budget games. MC' personality is one of the best in VN industry probably. He looks handsome enough and act funny / serious. Meme references just make it better.

And girls are horny around him for reasons: 1) There literally no men around the villages for a long time; 2) Bro got his mysterious mother-blood full of pheromones, and goddesses' blessings just make it worse [better]; 3) Big dick; 4) It just a silly game with lots of handsome&hot anime girls in it.

Overall narrative in the game is very good. Game has the funniest dialogue and situations I ever read. Literally all characters are funny / attractive / with background. Story progression is unexpectedly good that makes you wonder what will happen with characters in the next update instead of just waiting for another H scene. Give this game a chance

(1 edit)

i also thing mc looks handsome the plot is interesting and the female characters are charming, but it doesn't change my opinion about Ryoko stupidity and the fact its annoying that the girls barely know mc and are already throwing themselves at him, and i don't care about the reason, it's just kills fun for me if every character first have serious conversation with mc but in the next second thing about his dick and try to seduce him (or mc just having conversation about some shit and his dick just grow)  >:( + I hate characters who act selflessly without knowing the situaction, yet declare their willingness to help and claim they don't want anything in return (for a long run its just a trash trait). Probably i give this game a chance but i don't have much fate


If the mc mother is release on new update will he and his mother umm................ 😅


absolutely you are a serious player.Since you can give such a detailed comment ,which indicated that you play it by you heart, your opinions are rare but this is H-game in the essence.It’s normal that characters in it  are a little more horny.And about Ryoko,actually at first she was alert and afraid of being hurt by protagonist.Through some dialogues and being given food,she started to trust mc and generate admiration.As for that you think she was foolish,ehh,maybe you are too strict.what is a suitable standard to a cute girl?Sometimes being not so clever is also a lovely aspect.Sure,everyone has own perspective,I mean.

i know that in this type of games it's normal for characters to be horny (if i wouldn't know, then i wouldn't play in those games xD) but if in every conversacion there is something about sex or flirting, then its just looks stupid to me. I know Ryoko was afraid but i can't say she was wary of him. "through some dialogues and being given food, she started to trust mc and generate admiration" and she developed those fellings for mc in on night? what happened to being alert and afraid? she is a slave who just escaped her abusive master, and the first she does after escaping from this misery is saving a random guy who is definietly dangerous (can handle alone a fucking pack of wolfs) and blindly trusting him after chatting? (i it was me, then my top priority would be my survival, not some random) i don't hate Ryoko and i thing she is a good character in her own way, but i hate this concept when she was literally a slave and now she trust a man when she just met him just because he give her some food and chatted with her. I don't know if im too strict or people just eat anything xD (its just a joke so don't take it personally). i totally agree, i absolutlly love Shika charactert, she is a little dumb, funny and cute, but everything depends of how good written. Ryoko can be cute as much as she want, but if her character is poorly written and have a loophole (like her slave origin and her trusting mc after a little talk) then i will see her as someone dumb rather than ''cute'' (but she is cute to some degree). Thanks for reply and respect for my opinion :).

Hello, enjoying the game so far, just wondering if there's anywhere we can listen to or download some of the songs in the game? Been searching for days with no success :c

Thank you!

Does anyone have any information or help for the music? I'd really like to get a few of these tracks in my playlist on my phone for personal use :( I need my "music to vibe to while driving" list to keep growing... 😞


Hello Ncrow. I've been playing this game for quite a while now, and just want to tell you that I've loved it all this time. Today, it compelled me to make an account just to make this comment so I could tell you how awesome you are 🖤.

I've been playing this game on and off for a year, supporting you in secret. I love the characters, story writing, the lighthearted humor and the absence of NTR. 

I am even compelled to go out of my way just to donate. One day, I will. I love this game very much.

how to get automatic mode and i want to play with more other girls this game has

it looks like i cant continue the game because of the minigames

Guys I have a problem and was wondering if anyone could help me. Alice the bunny girl priestess in sakura doesnt appear in the evening for me and i cant progress the game i have interacted with pretty much everyone except her

NVM ive somehow managed to fix it by pressing on her profile and location. To anyone who might have the same problem as me pls use this comment so you dont go crazy thinking how to progress for hours


great ost


you have my support!!! great game!!! Umm i do have 1 suggestion though, can we (in the future) marry one of the girls to help the flow of the story? If not I mean, it tis but a suggestion... or opinion... or bias... whatevs

, Thanks :


great idea bro,


one of the...?  why not two of the girls? 


or even three?


why not marry them all?


haha true, I forget more than one wife could be an option. fufu


I need the Chinese version

Teamo, no solo traes majestuoso juego, sino también em español, eres un capo 🗿🗿

we want other waifus

so you want the the one you hold when Doc heal them in this house?


I have this problem and coincidentally it started the day I installed the Android version of this game on this page, it may be a coincidence or it may be a virus: 

My wifi stopped working and the little light that indicated that the wifi was working from what I think was called a modem went off. 

This always happened at the same time of night and sometimes more during the day. 

My family contacted the internet provider and they told us that we were the only family this was happening to. He looked at the log of the modem I think and it said that the log was full of failed attempts by my cell phone to access the network, I think it was the internal Wi-Fi network, which caused the log to fill up and caused the Wi-Fi to turn off. 

My wifi is password protected. 

This started after I installed the game. And it left when I disconnected my cell phone from that Wi-Fi network. 

Do not install anything else that day or later. 

That's why I think the Andriod version of the game may have viruses. But maybe it's a coincidence. Anyway, I thought it was important to say it.


Hello, my conjecture that this is all just a coincidence this never happen to anyone if you read the comments below, that is perhaps a pop ads when you download, because when you download, it usually shows ads and a clone download that is irrelevant to the one that we want to download, this happened to me too, however, I was lucky to have a anti-virus.

Tengo este problema y coincidentente empezo el dia que instale la version andriod de este juego de esta pagina, puede que sea una coincidiencia o puede que sea un virus:

Mi wifi dejaba de andar y la lucecita que marcaba que el wifi estaba funcionando de lo que creo que se llamaba modem se apagaba.

Esto sucedia siempre a la misma hora de la noche y algunas veces más en el dia.

Mi familia contacto al proveedor de internet y este nos dijo que eramos la unica familia a la que le pasaba esto. Se fijo en el log del modem creo y este decia que el log estaba lleno de intentos fallidos de mi celular de acceder a la red creo que interna del wifi lo que producia que el log se llene y causaba que se apague el wifi.

Mi wifi esta protegido con contraseña.

Esto empezo despues de que instale el juego.

Y se fue cuando desconecte mi celu de esa red de wifi.

No instale nada más ni ese dia ni luego.

Por eso creo que la version de Andriod del juego puede llegar a tener virus. Pero tal vez es una coincidencia. Como sea, pense que era importante decirlo.


Honestly when you make the room for ryuke it is wholesum as shit. For a nsfw game it has good story and emotions


Will your save files save if you dwnload a new version?

(1 edit)

yeah the save files should be saved separately from the game files folder. my saves always roll over. ive downloaded through itch app and through the patreon and both work the same way for save files

if you download from browser then you have to move folder with your save to folder with your new version of the game 

Игра просто великолепная, в ней есть опсалютно всё. Сюжет, имба девушки, графика и имба гг. Жму руку создателю данного шедевра но есть в ней один небольшой минус и это отсутствие перевода на русский язык,было бы очень круто если бы добавили русский язык. Но в любом случае игра имба и заслуживает внимания.

Чел, там если скачать новую версию, прогресс сохранится?

Да, но не отсюда тк тут только на англ языке а значит не сохраниться. Ищи перевод с более новой версией

It's been a great experience so far, but I have to say that having UI buttons with the same function but not in the same place (back/exit) is annoying.


Toca esperar a está obra maestra NCrow te queremos 😻

(1 edit) (-9)

i just started playing this game but there are two things that are annoying 

1. Ryoko just meet mc and want him to become her master just because he was kind for her (at this point they know each other for like max 1 hour)

2. mc just meet Ryoko but was ready to die for her (what idiot would do that for a complete stranger just after reincarnation) and his personality just suck :p 


keep playing and it all makes sense

Do my save files auto transfer when i install the new version on Android?





which event is this . 

What event is this

I think it's the paid one

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