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How can I move one save from my phone to my other phone

(1 edit)

Try to move files to pc then move the file from that pc to the other phone using a cable ig

(thanks to cat for helping wan ❤️)

Got another solution: 

Transfering from 1st device to 2nd. 1st->2nd:

- 1st device:

Load save

Click "Save"

Click "Upload Sync"

Remember Code

- 2nd device:

At main menu click "Download Sync"

Write your sync code from 1st device

Thanks to unfixingmite wan~ ❤️


Wow, I love this project. I would love to help you with music. Check my visual novel music portfolio ^^

Can someone help me? I can't seem to finish the "My Purpose" mission. Yui is the only one left, but every time I visit her at the wood shed it just triggers the H scene. Am I doing something wrong?

Start actually chopping wood, then the scene will start once you are done chopping

I also somehow can't download the game after 1gb it just freezes I still have 80 gb free in my phone but i can't download it

Well it's an network issue or something 😕 

Nope, it's an issue with Chrome on Android. Sometimes it makes it so that when you download from Itch, you reach 1+-ish gigs downloaded, then it craps out with a "Forbidden" error. Literally, the error just says "Forbidden". Not "Network Error" as would come up if it were a network error. Android is a little more robust than that with error reports.

I love the game and the animation but I lost progress when I tried to update the game it just froze and I had to delete it and start over again but it's a 10/10 game

How to up old save to new version on android?

you can Download the New version and find it in your download files and click to update👌

Thanks 🗿


wan ❤️


Wan Wan ❤️

I'm new here

We gotta wait until August 😭

Would penis size slider be a feature in the future?


We need a new version now please🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻my hands be tweaking uncontrollably.


We just got a new update the other day, damn bruh O_O
Like, I feel you, but we just got our hit and the next dose will be after NCrow's vacation

I want to finish the story


I feel like this game is almost a bit too good don't get me wrong that's not a problem if it was it would be a stupid one to list off but come on man i'm supposed to feel sad when playing red dead or god of war not this!


Update was too short, I want more(⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)


NCrow will be on vacation in June so the next update won't be until August

 I wanna see my ryoko so bad (⁠ᗒ⁠ᗩ⁠ᗕ⁠),I'll just wait patiently :"(

Thayou you


This game is literally "I came looking for copper and I found gold" like... I came here to fap, what the fuck do you mean I am now invested in the story and the characters, WDYM I WOULD DIE FOR EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THESE GIRLS?! You made something wonderful Ncrow!! I'd say I can't wait for more, but I can, and I will, thank you!

Someone tell me where to look at the ID to synchronize the data with my computer please

Go to "Save" choose Upload Sync.
Save the code.

Go to "Load" on your PC, choose Download Sync.
Write the code.

Can someone tell me Why is the android download keep saying it's forbidden when it has all the permissions and memory needed for it to work

Tengo el mismo problema se descarga pero al querer actualizar no me deja dice "No se instalo la aplicación"

(1 edit)

I got through with my game but for your problem switch the download info from internal storage to your external or which ever has the largest amount of free memory 

Tengo mucha memoria libre pero no 

did you try switching the file location cause i had enough space on my internal storage  but didn't install  then I try opening it in my external and it worked


Ncrow, can you unban me from your discord server?, my acc was hacked and i already retrieved it, it was safe now. Sorry for those links that got send on your server. Thanks!! I changed my name to night



Hey Ncrow, could you unban me from your discord server, I'll behave well.

Will my progress be saved if I update version on android?

If it gives you the option to update, yes

I have a question 

I next update are we going to Western Kingdom?


No, that is for when all the other missions are finished

Can I ask when will all other missions will be finished?

Hello NCrow... can we have more fighting scene in the new update please🥺 


now and wait for August, and from what I know of the story, we will possibly have a new location on the map, either Akane's family house or we will go to the kingdom to "chat" with the queen. If I'm wrong, correct me, by all means cool update, and may Ncrow have his well-deserved rest.

The girls are so nice, love so many of them. Thanks for the great game Ncrow ! Sayuri is so gosh damn cute !

But damn, with Alice constantly thinking about the MC's smell, I just wish to have MC lay down his shaft to rest on her face, letting her worship his musk for a while. 😤

Before going "plapplap, get pregnant." on the bunny, like a man of culture.

Thanks again for the great work author, you are doing insane work.


Also, where is the option to say "yes, please." ?


Karyn best dogirl ig


Seriously my only complaint is that we are unable to help Dog Girl at the moment otherwise this is quickly becoming one of my favorite games.


Are the sex scenes interactive?

No but the plot and humor genuinely makes up for it but if the author does not give us the ability to safe the doggo girl soon I will riot.


wan ❤️




Wan wan

(1 edit) (+2)

wan wan❤️


Wan wan-

You can't save your fish anymore.


please add the Russian language

(1 edit)

Need to ask a question 

Why in middle of download it stuck?


Now you really went and did it NCrow! The new inteface for the Relationships tab is amazing!!! I'm so excited for August now


Does anyone know why I get an error in the file when I try to install it?

I can't find Yui or Hana for the quest My Purpose

Short update but still great.

There's nothing i can do anymore

How did you do it to me? It tells me that I can't install it.

Yeah i think that's the end of the update

Am about to join you friend probably won't take long as long as I don't have to restart please doin't make me restart i worked hard for my progress. I like all the progress i made please anything but having to restart lol

Update is finally here! Though I've never updated a game outside the app store so could someone please help me out?


Don't delete the game yet, download the new version,then after that install the game,your phone will ask something like "do you want to update this app" and you should choose yes,this way your save won't be deleted 

(Sorry for my bad English,not my 1st language)


Dude i can even compliment your English (not my 1st language also but trust me bro i learned a lot from these games movies anime than study😁)


Dejame adivinar,español verdad? 💀👍


Lol same,i learn more from these games than school


Don't worry man your English is good I understood perfectly, it's not my first language either I moved to the U.S like 4 years ago,  the language just eventually  sticks with you lmao. Thanks for the help!


Good to hear,enjoys the game bro

Thanks, i was tryna figure out how do i update my version, thanks bro

You're welcome 


Best game



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