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VNs are just way too over-populated, 4/5 games seem to be some sort of renpy system and they're usually just strung together. This one, however, I quite like it. The balance between comedy, romance, and story in general just feels so pleasing to experience. Not to mention animations are actually pretty good, very rarely does a VN actually get me properly aroused. This was just done very well, and I'm honestly excited to see where this goes (almost feels weird saying that about a VN). I hope there's more fight scenes in the future, I find it enjoyable to see the MC just completely underestimate what he can do with the blessing and just destroy the enemy (especially with the reactions you get from it). Perhaps some more anal in the future as well? :)

(Shika is best girl. Shika supremacy)


Ncrow-sama also plan to add fighting system in the game, so look forward to it ❤️


Shika supremacy☝️


I've played a few of the games that are explicit off of and this one is by far my favorite. I can't wait to see what the final project looks like. This games is amazing and can almost not wait for the next update. I hope your vacation goes well.


wan wan~ ❤️

(1 edit) (+3)

I lowkey wish, the events are evenly spaced out, because, at some point 7~ different events happens in the morning, maybe give a way to interact with Hana or Shika in the afternoon? It isn't that bad as I can just sleep until morning but it's just a bit of a minor inconvenience. Either way I love the simplicity in mechanics, peak character design and the story!! This game is easily in my top 3 ero games at least!!


wan ❤️


Is it possible to transfer my android save to pc?


no I think


With the latest version 0.3.7.

Using the "Save sync"

Thank's  <3 <3


is there a way to alter the player inventory from the file or is there like a file with the player data that i can change?


Dev mode maybe idk




I just restarted the game because the update's taking long.

Ncrow, I wanna fuck this girl:



Yoooo the interface in new and I'm not use to but it's okay the picture got bigger though wahhh like zomming in but good. the problem is the "hint"  is not that a hint like it's harder to guess now what the next hint on the character in the old part like u just have to look to in now u gotta swipe in on the hearts scene just to know what's next going on it's kinda hard sometimes to swipe up cuz sometimes it's not working and I need to swipe many time to succeed but it's okay cuz that's what dev make just a little struggle though


wan ❤️


Ryoko and Mayu on-top I love them soooomuchhh


for me its Sayori and Charlotte
love them especially Sayori




wan ❤️


Ya me lo pase (hasta donde llega la ultima actualizacion) y espero que saquen lo que sigue próximamente, dejando todo lo +18 de lado, tiene muy buena historia y si te llegas a encariñar con uno que otro personaje si no es que con todos , no quiero hacer spoiler al que todavía no llega a esa parte, pero solo digo que llore cuando le atravesaron toda la espalda y el estómago, pero igual lo que sigue de historia es muy interesante y espero que continuen y que tenga un buen final próximamente


Te creo , oye te puedo pedir una ayuda , como avanzo en la misión de ir a las ruinas , dice que interactúe con ruyku pero lo hago y nada

Mira la interfaz de relaciones y sigue las pistas de las cartas de Ryoko (O de cualquier chica en general)

wan ❤️


will Russian be added in the next update?


no I guess


To anyone asking for help, I recommend joining our discord server which is located at the top of "Download", it's where natsuki is holding the Discord icon~ Many good and cool people will answer whatever question you might have wan wan~ ❤️


Omg dev!



After reaching the Sakura Town my game randownly starts to LAG a lot (on a level that's unplayable), when I close and restart it returns to normal by a short time and begins the LAG again

Anything to be done?

By the way, I'm loving the game, congrats' by this incredible game!

First off, what phone or pc are you using?


It's a 8GB Ram, with a I5, it's not supposed to LAG so much (I played some other VN, and didn't had this problem)

I think the problem occurs when trying to skip some scenes faster, like the repeatable scene of Rest ('cause yesterday later, I played the game, without problems)

Why not join our Discord server? Someone can answer you there


What was this animated in like seriously this is GALAXIES ahead of anything else ive played from itch


Blood, sweat, tears, and Koikatsu

wan ❤️


Yeah, Ncrow's kinda the only person to know how to make scenes THIS good with Koikatsu.

(1 edit) (+3)

To be honest this game change my perspective on playing games the part when hana got stabbed made me sob so hard-, i was actually getting worried about downloading the new update bc idk if my saves will be saved, once downloaded the new one im still confused, if you download the new update on goddesses whim will your saves be saved or will your saves be deleted because im on Huawei phone so idk if i have to transfer my save files too another device , or just download the new update and the saves will be saved so im still confused but this game is fun^^


Are you on Android? If you are, then it's easy. Just downloaded the new update then click install, if it says update, click it then the game will update. I legitimately did this and my save file didn't disappeared, but my dumbass accidentally removed the saved file, so I restarted from Zero.

Yeah im on android thanks bro i was so worried Ncrow is the best!!

(1 edit) (+3)(-1)

numca imagíne ver un juego hentai con buena trama de historia, las animaciones son decentes, el modelado de personajes y con un ambiente muy colorido esta muy bien hecho, aunque le falte un poco mas de sombras y pulir algunos pixeles de las texturas, pero no me quejo para nada, después de todo es un juego independiente. Pero lo que me gusta mas de este juego es su soundtrack es muy melodica aspiradora y relajante, sobre todo cuando te adentras al bosque que se escucha muy hermoso. Sigue asi mi estimado Ncrow eres de los pocos desarrolladores independientes que conozco y de los pocos que me hace adentrar mas al juego ❤️‍🔥


15/10 game

There are a lot of games like this on, but this feels like it's had the most effort put into it by far. at least of the ones I've played.


wan ❤️


Guys I'm not the game dev, Ncrow is 😭😭


wan ❤️

(1 edit) (+3)

Karyn the Dogo guardian 😂 the timing you pop out with Ncrow on vacation and rest is hilarious prefect .. wan <3 


Wan wan wan~ ♥️


Don't trust him, he is a dev.
Update when?


NOOO not you too 😭


Update when?


Wait the minute 😂


no date yet 😭


how to save data for update in android plss

You can just keep your current version and download the new version to update it, that should keep your saves


Great game, please add more anal


~Goddesses' Whim v.0.3.7 Review~

I have been dreading this moment for the longest of time because I find it genuinely difficult to make a review on this game (so far) on one hand it is masterfully done and on the other the complete opposite. I'm disappointed in the creator(s) of this game and so I'm going to voice my heart out and hopefully not get crucified in the comments by doing that. I am going to talk about the game shortly but I need to address the slow and devious waiting that the creator(s) is putting us through because it has become quite apparent that they no longer have the same love and passion for the game as they used to, they see the Patreon numbers going up and so they freeze everything else because that's where their passion lies now. I played this a year back because that's when I finished all the content it had at the time, only to come back to some text and like 8 new scenes added and nothing else... For people that don't know these people uses Ren'Py - a front end program for visual novels which allows for easy scripting to complex scripting and adding text, images, sounds etc. etc. and is extremely easy to use even if you are new to coding in general. However, you would still need to know how to code to use it efficiently. So what? Am I going to roast them for using Ren'Py? Of course not! What I'm saying is that after a full year this game should have been more polished, had more gameplay, had more interactions and had more H-scenes for us to explore. What makes it worse is that this in not their first game either and they are using materials/assets from the other game which should make making this game faster and easier, so what's stopping them from updating the game to give us more content to do? One word: greed. Anyways I wanted to get that off my chest before diving into the review so without further delay.


You play a male character that has been transferred to another world (yes this is an "isekai" in that aspect) that is both handsome in everyone's eyes and has a gigantic cock (I mean of course he does this is after all an erotic game) that every girl in the game goes "ga-ga" over and in his body he harbors a special power, so it's one of those male-fantasy and power-fantasy type of stories told through an anime format. Despite the overused trope(s) that this game has the story sets it apart and is really fucking good, you will be invested no matter what. I rather keep this part spoiler free as much as possible since I want people to enjoy this game for what it is and not tarnish it because it's clear that they put a lot of care and thought into the story aspects even down to the characters and their roles and personal events. Needless to say but the main character is special in this world for several different reasons. We have goddesses to enjoy as well... in more ways than one.


Like I previously mentioned all the characters have their own roles in this universe and each and everyone of them are unique in their own way with their own traits and personalities and variation is good and the only thing I don't like in this game is the main character because he feels a bit rape-y at times and that's because of the missing context or should I say laziness of how to appropriately handle the start of each erotic event so they basically said: "fuck it, just have him take control and have the female enjoy it" without the proper build up, however this is NOT the case for every scene which is why I typed "at times" still wish it was changed at least a little bit because he can still be a dominant male without crossing that line which turns him into a rapist. So, yes I find the guy unlikable for the most part.


Drama, action, sadness, comedic, goofy, dumb, serious, cute and somber. It is all there for your eyes, brain and other body parts to enjoy. Every scene has charm to them and really brings life to the characters. There isn't one moment that I can remember where I questioned anything, except for some comedic ones... which I rather not type about. I would go so far to say that the dialogues between characters is superb.


Most of the time this is a visual novel so you only need to click through text which may or may not present you with a choice but don't let that discourage you because we have... drum roll please... fishing, woodcutting and a action mechanic (is what I'm choosing to call it) that is there for context purposes... Anyways, while it is more clicking to do it has functions and meaning which is necessary for progression. So; BANZAI! This is what I like to see more of going forward.


Still images presented in a slideshow fashion with text that follows is what you can expect generally so nothing new there but of course you want to know about the H-scenes: "Ara~♡ ara~♡" - "Hey Hana get out of here this is my review make your own!" Now where were we? Ah yes the sex scenes. They are really well made, like REALLY well made and I fucking love the facial expressions of the female characters seeing them drool, eyes lost to lust and passion and have strings of saliva connected between their teeth is an arousing sight to behold. However I need to mention that you can't exactly choose what you want to do during them sexy times, it just an animation playing out until the male character climaxes and that's it. It would be nice if we got to choose but hey at least they are good and who knows maybe later on the options to choose what to do with the female will arrive, the dream is not dead... yet.


I'm sorry player but your "noises" are in another castle. I'm joking... sort of. While it may have some... sounds, it's a far cry from what people would call "OST" so yeah... anyways, moving on!


I want to talk about the translations here and other miscellaneous stuff that comes to mind because good lord... the translations, grammar and spellings are all over the place with this game and to put it bluntly; it sucks. I get that they aren't native English speakers but holy fuck use a program even Google translate would not only be but do better than this! You have a whole community on Discord that can help you, don't be afraid to speak up and ask for help. I have to re-read each text sometimes up to 3-4 times to fully get what this person is trying to convey, mostly because when text isn't written/typed correctly it breaks my brain. Please add more cute scenes like the main character kissing and hugging them and things of that nature. Also can I just point out how weird it is that they use assets from their other game like Karyn having green toenails which doesn't fit her at all and was clearly from another body... yes I notice and pay attention to details what of it, wanna fight me? I'll 1v1 you in Minecraft come at me scrub lord I'm ripped!

I know that my reviews tend to gravitate towards the negative side a lot of the times but reviews generally speaking is to give insight to the developers to see what to improve upon but make no mistake this game is seriously good, one of the best on this site and if you like this game may I suggest also checking out 'Eternum' and 'Aurelia' for some added spice.


wan ❤️ thanks for the detailed review


You're welcome... I guess? Sorry but are you part of the team or something? You seem to be very adamant to replying to most people here so I'm just curious.


no, I just like replying to people 😭


Then from here on out I will dub you the comment mascot for this game so congratulations.


wan wan~ ❤️

(2 edits) (+2)

Thanks for the review! For the record, the game has one dev, and the progress he makes each month (with a consistent monthly update schedule) is in my opinion really a LOT for a solo developer.


I can't speak for what he does monthly since I'm not part of his development cycle but I guess he does a fair bit overall, however it's not the typical work hours one would normally have also I'm fairly sure that he has mentioned once before that he has someone else working on this game but maybe that was just temporary or it may have been for the other game, hard to remember when I read it a year ago. Still a full year is a lot of time to only be given like 8 new scenes and some text. Stories are written/typed in-beforehand and with Ren'Py you can just copy and paste that in. What takes the most time in this case would be the sex scenes but even then you render full 3D bodies and "position" them correctly for the scene and then you work on animating them. Even for a solo developer you can have about 18 new scenes with the 'Adventures Lounge' completed in that time and have a sex scene with Karyn which they did dirty and I'm sad because she is by far one the best characters added. I love me some Charlotte and Karyn and if they ever did a scene with those two together my senses would overload.

(1 edit) (+1)

I'm getting quite sure that we're not talking about the same game here, for 2 reasons:

- I just counted and Ncrow has added at least 26 H scenes to the game in the last 12 months, with a huge amount of lore, several new characters and like 60 non H-scenes on top

- afaik this is his first and only game

- I may be wrong but he has never had any substantial support on the dev side (only a bit of help on character design, music, proofreading)

(1 edit) (+1)

"Character design, music and proofreading" ...then he isn't going solo like I said and I'm convinced that you are pulling my leg.

As for the scenes, since I have the save files still, I checked and these were added:

Akane: 1
Mayu: 1
Tomoe: 1
Ryoko & Charlotte: 1
Ryoko: 2
Charlotte: 1
Yui: 1
Shika: 1
Hana: 1
Alice: 1
Karyn: 1
Natsuki & Ryoko: 1
Halloween Special: 7

That's a total of 20 scenes not 26 and this is between v.0.2.8 to v.0.3.7 however without the Halloween special (which I would assume was a Patreon thing but I'm talking about the main game specifically) it would be 13 scenes and that's discounting; Adventure's Lounge, Tomoe's shop, Bathhouse, new location and the new mechanic to which he has said in game: "will be added in the next update" more times than I would like to count. I'm not saying that Ncrow should rush the game out but I'm saying that if you say next update to something then you bring it next update, you don't lie and try to milk money out of people and a whole year is an significant amount of time for so little to be updated.

You know who else was a solo developer? ConcernedApe the man behind 'Stardew Valley' which he created in 4 years and that's from scratch. He didn't have help from others nor did he have a special program (like Ren'Py) that would ease his programming and he legit did everything himself. A pixel art game not only takes longer to make but is a lot harder.

EDIT: Also lore/story can be copy and pasted in since you type that first before you even start a game (normally) and the same goes with images and sounds.

(2 edits) (+1)

why not anyone talking about this?


we talked about that in our discord server 😭


Can I join ?


Anyone can, link's above this comment section, you'll see Natsuki holding a Discord icon

(1 edit) (+1)

Recently changed my device the before one was very trash  the screen was broken so I can't click that's why I didn't join discord at that time 


This games is a 10 out of 10

Its fap material and game material too, theres lore a variety of characters and great story telling even if the H was put aside it would still be a great game and Ncrow single handley doing this outstanding, the only thing I have an opinion on is that there should be a way to take each separate girls on a date night with funny interactions on them but aside from that good job Ncrow, this is a great game.

wan ❤️

(2 edits) (+2)

What can I say about the game? Passed for 15 hours taking into account that sometimes skipped dialogues. Anyway. Dialogues look nice and not stupid that is rare in free games is a plus. Character models are also good for a free game such that plus. The plot looks in a sense raw and sometimes has dead ends but still looks great that even managed to interest me and again a plus. Of course not every character has a backround but they cause at least a drop of interest and in what sense experiences and again a plus.

Of course I am not good at expressing my thoughts but in the end 4 pluses out of 4. I can recommend the game to pass but I do not think you can expect much from it

wan ❤️


this is the best one ive ever played i didn't even skip the parts of it i like the story line, so sad it not finish yet

wan ❤️


idk but i feel like im talking to a real karyn jajajaja

(2 edits) (+4)

Just spent like, I don't know, 6 hours or so playing the 0.3.7 update, and holy shit, the story got me so interested that I sometimes skip the H-Scenes just to see what's next for the story. This is one of the best, if not THE best free NSFW game i've ever seen and played. The story is so rich, there's so many character development, a few minor plot twist, ACTUAL humour instead of cringey jokes that i usually see in low-effort NSFW games, the dialogue is also very well-crafted instead of just "-hey -hey -you look nice -thanks -sex? -ok",etc.... The character design is stunning and the character themselves are also very well-written, not just the main character's mindless cumdump, though i have some things to complain is that the animation is goofy at times, the clothes look like they got printed on the characters skin and look like a JPEG when the camera is up close, the hair and clothes just flapping around crazily (though that would be understandable 'cuz it's made in Koikatsu from what i know). The game itself is pretty good and high-effort too, I play this game on a potato and it's still runs consistently at 60fps, no sudden lag or slow loading or heating my PC up because the scenes are pre-rendered (though that would make changing some scenes a pretty painful process). I have no other words than ABSOLUTE CINEMA, keep up the good work Ncrow, hope you have fun with your vacation. Toodles.

wan wan~ ❤️


i need more of a scene with karyn! i want to see her more in the gamee huhu

You'll see me more later


I would love to see you🙏🫶


i mean karyn


You can add Vietnamese language:)


I love your idea, but i think the current workload is already enough for Ncrow. Maybe we can finally get the Vietnamese language if we voluntarily do it ourselves 😆
What i want to say is, just let him cook, and enjoy this marvelous and regularly updated game!

Why not try to learn English then.. Making the game alone is already hard so just let Ncrow cook


what program do you use for the 3d models? they look amazing!!

I think Ncrow uses koikatsu ig


What song plays in the bedroom? its very relaxing


Peaceful Koi Pond by Fesliyan Studios


wan ❤️ 


So i finnally played the update and nearly ran around the house in shear joy when i found out doggo was added to our little clan. She even is going to be added to our house please author please give us this soon.need it soon. Doggo is best girl 


wan wan~ ❤️


Dudes, this game is the best I've ever played. But could you recommend something similar to this game? To have a long, understandable and interesting plot. It's just that all the other games are like "-hello, -hello, -sex?, -yes" I just want well-developed characters and a very cool plot. If you can share, I will be very grateful))

P.S. I used Google translator, don’t judge too harshly.


wan ❤️


Try these games: Aurelia, Eternum, From The Sin and/or Afterlife Harem.

Thank you so much bro

All good, enjoy!

Recommending Out of Touch, as it has probably the best plot I ever saw in any AVN and a match to some really good VNs out there.


Your answer was more than a month ago, but I tried to play Out of Touch... Thank you very much, the game is really good)

Yeah, once I read you saying "I want developed characters and a cool plot" I already knew you would enjoy it.
Also, the community is very chill if you enjoy talking to people about AVNs and other stuff.

(2 edits) (+5)

Love the game; 100/10. Wholesome type too. Good for my fragile heart. Always been the possessive type so I often try to stay away from relationships (this also makes me despise NTR for obvious reasons). Really allows me to let go and just imagine what it would feel like if something like that would happen. Some of the scenes also feed it, making it even more enjoyable. Personal favourite is Ryoko, Charlotte being the first runner up, followed by Shika, (there is a very clear preference shining through that statement). 

Love it, it's amazing; It's great; most of all, it is very eliciting. 

If this was a perfect world where computing power is infinite and game development isn't hard, and also much more vast. It would be nice to see how in-depth it can get: different responses or scenes depending on the progress/affection with the characters; even more characters; Interactions between the characters; characters acknowledging and commenting/giving their thoughts to the MC's actions and relations, but I know its hard so I can only hope for such a thing in the future: after all it is far too complex to be expected, it has to be a community effort of some sorts, similar to skyrim in a way.

Some other noticeable things were the performance. Running it on a HDD—my SSD is housing my Linux. I use Debian BTW, with an i3 window manager BTW—with 11GB ram and an AMD Ryzen 3 2200u + integrated graphics card, It runs fine; with the occasional hiccups here and there, unlike some other games.

 The content, as I have expressed, is rich. I enjoy the fact that there is a choice to choose between each fetish(es), albeit, feet being the only thing that I stringently stayed away from.

Now, the criticism. I can’t really think of much… barring one: The English. I acknowledge the possibly of it not being the Dev’s first language, but I do find it fun in a way to fix the sentences as I play through the story. It did help me stay in place, as my mind has the tendency to stay away—as I write this, I randomly had the desire to play chess. That’s about it.


wan wan ❤️


I love it



Just spent over 10 hours playing through all the current content (man it is so rich), and all I want to say is, it is really FANTASTIC. Every character is so good, I love them all, especially Akane, why a girl can be so adorable? She always calls you pervert, like she doesn’t like you, but she actually cares about you (and she even agreed to do a lot of hentai things with you). How is it possible for me not to love this girl🥺🥺? 

Sorry that my english is so bad so I cannot express my feeling well, but I still want to thanks dev for making such a fantastic game, I can't wait for the game release.


wan wan~ ❤️


This game is 11/10 no kidding this is my first ero game I ever played in my entire life, got curious because of the title of this game, and holy Ncrow mah man or woman, your a freaking god, legend, a person who deserves fame for creating this game! The story, personalities, MC Rizz, the PLOTS, EVERYTHING is perfect! I 💯 recommend this game like holy! Ain't no way this is better than your typical Triple AAA games like WoW just wow, thank you for creating such a legendary game Ncrow!


wan ❤️

(1 edit) (+2)

Guys please help I lost all my save file of Goddess whims

Due to some problem I deleted goddess whims but I made a backup save file but that file got corrupted, it has save up to 0.3.6 update if anybody have the save file of 0.3.6 please send it to me 

My gmail:


You can just play the game again and activate dev mode to skip through some missions I think, I recommend joining our discord server so everyone can help you! ❤️


Thanks but I am an android user there is no dev option soooo can please mail me the file

Join our discord server


Can I ask? when will the latest update happend to be?


No release dates yet


According to the section directly above these comments, 8 days ago.
The updates have always been once a month, this one will be two due to NCrow taking a vacation.

wan ❤️


Love the game! Quick question, is there a way to get the character cards? (particularly the 3 characters Yui and the MC trains) I've tried looking on the Discord server and Patreon but couldn't find anything. If you could let me know if they're available, that would be great!

Wdym by cards?

(1 edit) (+1)

You made the characters for this game using Koikatsu right? your able to share the characters you make with other people and i was wondering if i could possibly use them for Koikatsu.

You should ask Ncrow for that, I recommend joining our discord server


tbh i thought you were Ncrow, my bad lmao. how should i ask? PM or just in general chat or something?


Im pretty sure he.. she.. That is weird i feel chills

Try to dm him or try asking other members


Thank you!💙
But I don't plan to share the cards!

(2 edits) (+1)

No worries, thanks for the reply!
Is there a possibility you'd release them on patreon one day? 

wan! ❤️


GOOD HEAVENS!!! I'mma donate for sure, no NTR? AIGH BET! How much should I donate chat???

(1 edit) (+2)

wan ❤️


Wan wan


Donate as much as you like,im sure the dev would appreciate it :)

Donate $500 million (You are Elon Musk)


my entire playthrough in a single image


wan ❤️

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